The sphinx_readme.utils.rst submodule

sphinx_readme.utils.rst.escape_rst(rst)View on GitHub
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def escape_rst(rst: str) -> str: """Escape regex special characters from the content of an ``rst`` file""" for char in ".+?*|()<>{}^$[]": rst = rst.replace(char, rf"\{char}") return rst

Escape regex special characters from the content of an rst file

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.BEFORE_XREF = ':\\[\\{\\(/"\'\\-'

Characters that are allowed directly before a cross-reference

sphinx_readme.utils.rst.AFTER_XREF = '\\.:;!\\?,"\'/\\\\\\]\\)\\}\\-'

Characters that are allowed directly after a cross-reference

Formats a hyperlink, preserving any inline literals within the text

Since nested inline markup isn’t possible, substitutions are used when link text contains inline literals


>>> target = ""
>>> format_hyperlink(target, "The Sphinx README Repository")
('`The Sphinx README Repository <>`_', [])
>>> format_hyperlink(target, "The ``Sphinx README`` Repository") 
('|The Sphinx README Repository|_',
['.. |The Sphinx README Repository| replace:: The ``Sphinx README`` Repository',
 '.. _The Sphinx README Repository:'])
>>> format_hyperlink(target, "The ``Sphinx README`` Repository", sub_override="repo") 
['.. |repo| replace:: The ``Sphinx README`` Repository',
 '.. _repo:'])
  • target (str) – the link URL

  • text (str) – the link text

  • sub_override (Optional[str]) – overrides the name for the label/substitution, if applicable

  • force_subs (bool) – boolean indicating if substitutions should be used regardless of inline markup being present


a tuple containing the formatted hyperlink and a list of substitution definitions

Return type

Tuple[str, List[Optional[str]]]

sphinx_readme.utils.rst.format_rst(inline_markup, rst, replace_attributes=False)View on GitHub
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def format_rst(inline_markup: str, rst: str, replace_attributes: bool = False) -> str: """Formats text with the specified type of inline markup Preserves any ``inline literals``, ``|substitutions|``, and :rst:`\`Custom Link Text <>\`_` within the text **Example:** >>> format_rst("bold", "This is part of the ``sphinx_readme.utils`` module") "**This is part of the** ``sphinx_readme.utils`` **module**" **This is part of the** ``sphinx_readme.utils`` **module** :param inline_markup: either "bold" or "italic" :param rst: the rst content to format """ if inline_markup == "bold": markup = "**" elif inline_markup == "italic": markup = "*" else: raise ValueError("``inline_markup`` must be either 'bold' or 'italic'") if replace_attributes: rst = replace_attrs(rst) split = re.split(r"\s*?(``.+?``|\|.+?\|_?|`.+? <.+?>`_)\s*?", rst) parts = [] for part in split: if not part: continue if part.startswith("`") or part.startswith("|"): parts.append(part) else: parts.append(f"{markup}{part.strip()}{markup}") return " ".join(parts)

Formats text with the specified type of inline markup

Preserves any inline literals, |substitutions|, and `Custom Link Text <>`_ within the text


>>> format_rst("bold", "This is part of the ``sphinx_readme.utils`` module")
"**This is part of the** ``sphinx_readme.utils`` **module**"

This is part of the sphinx_readme.utils module

  • inline_markup (str) – either β€œbold” or β€œitalic”

  • rst (str) – the rst content to format

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.replace_only_directives(rst, tags)View on GitHub
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def replace_only_directives(rst: str, tags: sphinx.util.tags.Tags) -> str: """Replaces and removes :rst:dir:`only` directives. The :confval:`readme_tags` are temporarily added as :external+sphinx:ref:`tags <conf-tags>`, then the ``<expression>`` argument of the directive is evaluated. * If ``True``, the content will be used * If ``False``, the directive is removed .. tip:: The default value of :confval:`readme_tags` is ``["readme"]`` **Expression Examples:** Using default value of :rst:`readme_tags = ["readme"]`: .. code-block:: rst .. only:: readme This will be included in the generated file .. only:: html This will be excluded from the generated file .. only:: readme or html This will be included in the generated file .. only:: readme and html This will be excluded from the generated file. Setting :rst:`readme_tags = ["pypi"]` in ````: .. code-block:: rst .. only:: pypi This will be included in the generated file .. only:: readme This will be excluded from the generated file .. only:: readme or pypi This will be included in the generated file :param rst: the content of an ``rst`` file :param tags: the :class:`sphinx.util.tags.Tags` object """ # Match all ``only`` directives pattern = r"\.\. only::\s+(\S.*?)\n+?((?:^[ ]+.+?$|^\s*$)+?)(?=\n*\S+|\Z)" directives = re.findall(pattern, rst, re.M | re.DOTALL) for expression, content in directives: # Pattern to match each block exactly pattern = rf"\.\. only:: {expression}\n+?{escape_rst(content)}\n*?" if tags.eval_condition(expression): # For replacement, remove preceding indent (3 spaces) from each line content = '\n'.join(line[3:] for line in content.split('\n')) # Replace directive with content rst = re.sub(pattern, rf"{content}", rst) else: # Remove directive rst = re.sub(pattern, '', rst) return rst

Replaces and removes only directives.

The readme_tags are temporarily added as tags, then the <expression> argument of the directive is evaluated.

  • If True, the content will be used

  • If False, the directive is removed


The default value of readme_tags is ["readme"]

Expression Examples:

Using default value of readme_tags = ["readme"]:

.. only:: readme

   This will be included in the generated file

.. only:: html

   This will be excluded from the generated file

.. only:: readme or html

   This will be included in the generated file

.. only:: readme and html

   This will be excluded from the generated file.

Setting readme_tags = ["pypi"] in

.. only:: pypi

   This will be included in the generated file

.. only:: readme

   This will be excluded from the generated file

.. only:: readme or pypi

   This will be included in the generated file
  • rst (str) – the content of an rst file

  • tags (Tags) – the sphinx.util.tags.Tags object

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.remove_raw_directives(rst)View on GitHub
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def remove_raw_directives(rst: str) -> str: """Removes all ``raw`` directives from ``rst`` :param rst: the rst to remove ``raw`` directives from """ return re.sub( pattern=r"(\.\. raw::\s+\S.*?\n+?(?:^[ ]+.+?$|^\s*$)+?)(?=\n*\S+|\Z)", repl='', string=rst, flags=re.M | re.DOTALL )

Removes all raw directives from rst


rst (str) – the rst to remove raw directives from

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.replace_attrs(rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_attrs(rst: str) -> str: """Replaces ``:attr:`` cross-references with ``inline literals`` .. tip:: When :confval:`readme_replace_attrs` is ``True``, this function will be called to replace 1. Non-external and unresolved ``:attr:`` xrefs when :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` is ``"code"`` 2. Unresolved ``:attr:`` xrefs when :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` is ``"html"`` :param rst: the rst to replace attribute xrefs in """ return replace_xrefs(rst, roles='attr')

Replaces :attr: cross-references with inline literals


When readme_replace_attrs is True, this function will be called to replace

  1. Non-external and unresolved :attr: xrefs when readme_docs_url_type is "code"

  2. Unresolved :attr: xrefs when readme_docs_url_type is "html"


rst (str) – the rst to replace attribute xrefs in

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.replace_xrefs(rst, roles=None)View on GitHub
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def replace_xrefs(rst: str, roles: Optional[str | List[str]] = None) -> str: """Replaces cross-references in the |py_domain| with ``inline literals`` :param roles: an individual or list of cross-reference roles to match; replaces all roles if not specified :param rst: the rst to replace cross-references in """ if roles is None: # Replace all cross-reference roles roles = ['data', 'exc', 'func', 'class', 'const', 'attr', 'meth', 'mod', 'obj'] elif isinstance(roles, str): roles = [roles] roles = "|".join(roles) xref_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}]):(?:external(?:\+\w+)?:)?(?:py:)?(?:{roles}):`(?:\w+:)?%s`(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" xref_title_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}]):(?:external(?:\+\w+)?:)?(?:py:)?(?:{roles}):`([^`]+?)\s<(?:\w+:)?%s>`(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" short_ref = r"~[.\w]*?(\w+)" # Ex. :attr:`~.Class.attr` long_ref = r"\.?([.\w]+)" # Ex. :attr:`.Class.attr` repl = r"``\1``" for ref in (short_ref, long_ref): # Replace :attr:`~.Class.attr` => ``attr`` || :attr:`.Class.attr` => ``Class.attr`` rst = re.sub( pattern=xref_pattern % ref, repl=repl, string=rst ) # Replace :attr:`title <pkg.module.Class.attr>` => ``title`` rst = re.sub( pattern=xref_title_pattern % ref, repl=repl, string=rst ) return rst

Replaces cross-references in the PythonDomain with inline literals

  • roles (Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) – an individual or list of cross-reference roles to match; replaces all roles if not specified

  • rst (str) – the rst to replace cross-references in

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.get_xref_variants(target)View on GitHub
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def get_xref_variants(target: str) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of ways to make a cross-reference to ``target`` **Example:** >>> get_xref_variants('mod.Class.meth') ['mod.Class.meth', '.mod.Class.meth', '~mod.Class.meth', '~.mod.Class.meth'] :param target: the object to generate cross-reference syntax for """ return [prefix + target for prefix in ('', '.', '~', '~.')]

Returns a list of ways to make a cross-reference to target


>>> get_xref_variants('mod.Class.meth')
['mod.Class.meth', '.mod.Class.meth', '~mod.Class.meth', '~.mod.Class.meth']

target (str) – the object to generate cross-reference syntax for

Return type


sphinx_readme.utils.rst.get_all_xref_variants(fully_qualified_name)View on GitHub
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def get_all_xref_variants(fully_qualified_name: str) -> List[str]: """Returns all possible cross-reference targets for an object **Example:** >>> get_all_xref_variants("sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants") # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['get_all_xref_variants', '.get_all_xref_variants', '~get_all_xref_variants', '~.get_all_xref_variants', 'utils.get_all_xref_variants', '.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~.utils.get_all_xref_variants', 'sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '.sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~.sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants'] :param fully_qualified_name: the fully qualified name of the target (ex. ``pkg.module.class.method``) """ parts = fully_qualified_name.split(".")[::-1] # => ['meth', 'Class', 'mod', "pkg"] variants = [] for i, part in enumerate(parts): target = '.'.join(parts[i::-1]) # 'meth', 'Class.meth', 'mod.class.meth', 'pkg.mod.class.meth' variants.extend(get_xref_variants(target)) return variants

Returns all possible cross-reference targets for an object


>>> get_all_xref_variants("sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants") 
['get_all_xref_variants', '.get_all_xref_variants', '~get_all_xref_variants',
'~.get_all_xref_variants', 'utils.get_all_xref_variants', '.utils.get_all_xref_variants',
'~utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~.utils.get_all_xref_variants',
'sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '.sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants',
'~sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants', '~.sphinx_readme.utils.get_all_xref_variants']

fully_qualified_name (str) – the fully qualified name of the target (ex. pkg.module.class.method)

Return type
